Why Do Big Dogs Suffer From Joint Pain - And What Can Be Done?

Why Do Big Dogs Suffer From Joint Pain - And What Can Be Done?

Who doesn’t love big dogs? They fill our homes with a special kind of love and stamp giant paw prints on our hearts. But sadly, their sheer size does cause them some issues - one of those being an increasing likelihood of developing major joint issues, especially as they age.

Many owners of large dogs believe this has to be an inevitable part of life for a big dog. But here at PLS Birdsong we actually believe there are a good percentage of large dogs who could see a significant improvement to their quality of life by simply changing one simple thing - and it doesn’t involve drugs!

What causes joint pain in larger dogs?

Large dogs have a lot to cope with. Fast bone growth in puppyhood, plus genetic disorders such as hip and elbow dysplasia wreak havoc on a large dog’s ability to enjoy life in their later years. Not only do they have the usual general wear and tear to contend with as they age, their bones are also much more prone to health disorders such as arthritis, cruciate ligament problems and basic joint weakness caused by the huge amount of weight their frame has to carry.

As owners of larger dogs, it’s part of our responsibility to do all we can to lessen this pain for our furry friend. While vets can prescribe anti-inflammatory and analgesic medication, this doesn’t treat the root cause of the issue. Constant pressure on your large dog's joints - even while they rest - means they’re never given the opportunity to recover from the strains of daily life with big bones and a heavy body.

In many cases, the dog’s joint issues simply worsen to the point that the owner can no longer stand to see them in such excruciating pain. The decision is often made to end the dogs suffering and ultimately, the dog’s life is cut short despite the fact that they are relatively young and otherwise in good health.

What can be done?

As we’ve already mentioned, there’s a major issue at play with older dogs whereby their joints simply never get the opportunity to really rest. Imagine if you ran a marathon and then laid on the floor all night to recover. How would you feel? Probably pretty stiff. This is how an older, larger dog feels every day after even a short walk with arthritic joints.

In order for a large dog to stand any chance of recovering from any joint condition, he has to be able to take proper rest. And that’s exactly where an orthopedic dog bed can help to turn things around quite quickly.

My large dog has no issues, why does he need an orthopedic dog bed?

Quite simply, if your large dog’s bed isn’t an orthopedic one, you can probably expect him to develop joint issues in the near future - if he hasn’t already.

A normal dog bed simply doesn’t offer any support to his joints. You quite literally might as well lay him on the concrete floor. Don’t believe us? Spend the night on your dog's current bed and see whether you ache in the morning. Your large dog probably weighs as much as you - so it’s a fair test.

The average large dog can weigh between 55 - 180lbs - around the same weight as a human could be expected to weigh. Except humans aren’t expected to sleep on their arthritic elbows. Why, then would you expect a large dog to sleep on something a human wouldn’t sleep on and not develop joint issues? It’s pretty cut and dry - a normal dog bed just isn’t adequate for a large dog.

Why would a PLS Pet Paradise Orthopedic Pillow Top Dog Bed help?

Dog’s sleep for between 12 - 20 hours each day. That’s a lot of time to spend on a hard surface. With this in mind, we created our orthopedic pillow top bed to provide full support to your larger dog’s aching joints. The high-quality orthopedic mattress provides firm support and is topped by a soft, cozy 3.4” plush pillow top, offering warmth and softness. Combined, they provide the ultimate in comfort and most importantly full relief from pressure points caused by hard surfaces.

My 60-pound dog has a large benign fatty tumor on his right side and always slept on his left until this bed arrived. Our house has 4 levels and a covered patio. There is a dog bed on each level and the patio but when he goes for a nap, I find that he heads for this bed. Comfort and happiness deserve 5 stars. - Elizabeth - Amazon customer

We believe that the PLS Pet Paradise Orthopedic Pillow Top Dog Bed has the ability to improve the quality of life in large dogs suffering from joint issues. While some issues won’t repair without surgery, without a doubt your dog is bound to be more comfortable on this bed than on a standard, thin, non-orthopedic dog bed. That’s because the orthopedic foam base in our bed supports your dog's joints without any flattening - unlike other substandard orthopedic mattresses.

Super nice, super quality dog bed. I couldn't find anything like this in the stores. I'm so glad I purchased this for my 85 lb lab. I feel like he has less trouble getting up from his bed than ever before. I plan to buy a second one. Oh, and the cat prefers the bed, too. - Jamie - Amazon customer

The PLS Pet Paradise Orthopedic Pillow Top Dog Bed features a fully washable (and very stylish) cover, making it ideal for older dogs prone to little leaks. Thanks to the fact that the bed is very easy to clean, your dog's bed need never smell musty, damp or just plain pongy ever again!

This bed is easy to put together and to take apart for washing. My dog loves it and is finally off of our bed! He is 115 lbs, so we were happy to gain the leg room back! - Katee - Amazon customer



We developed the PLS Pet Paradise Orthopedic Pillow Top Dog Bed with larger dogs in mind. Whether your dog is young or old, we believe you can’t buy this bed soon enough if you value your dog’s comfort and longevity.

Other owners have spoken about their dog’s quality of life returning after they began using this bed, but we believe prevention is always better than cure - so whether your dog is a spring chicken or an aging old gentleman, why not treat him to this little bit of luxury which would quite rightly be considered a basic essential item in the human world?

After all, we believe your dog deserves comfort as much as any human! Don’t you?

The PLS Pet Paradise Orthopedic Pillow Top Dog Bed can be purchased directly on our website right here >>

  • Dec 11, 2018
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